West Center Baptist Church

College Group

Students Gathering and Growing in Christ


2nd & 4th Mondays @ 6PM
WCB Fellowship Hall

For most, the college years are identity-forming and soul-shaping. As real life begins there is an openness to questions about God and faith and life after death. God has given us an incredible opportunity by bringing students to Madison and Dakota State from around the country and the world.  Our goal is to build relational bridges to these students so that we might reach them with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

College Group has four main elements:

Table Fellowship

We share a meal with students as a tangible expression of gospel-welcome.

Bible Teaching

We share a teaching from God’s word, centered on the person and work of Jesus.


We want an open and safe environment for students to ask questions and to patiently provide them with biblical and thoughtful answers about the nature of Christianity and how to live it out.


The gospel brings inward transformation that turns us outward.  Students have a rare opportunity to make big life decisions driven by the Great Commission.

Please join us in praying that our students might know Jesus and grow in their understanding of who he is and what he has done for them.

You can volunteer to bring a meal (and stay for evening) here: College Group Meal Train


Joe & Megan Bundy

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